Svenjas Blogger-Geburtstags-Gewinnspiel – Set 1

Wie bereits angekündigt startet heute meine große Blogger-Geburtstagsaktion, bei der ihr den ganzen August über eines von drei tollen Geschenk-Sets bei uns gewinnen könnt. Ich möchte mich damit bei euch allen für eure Unterstützung bedanken und hoffe gleichzeitig, dass ihr unserem Blog auch weiterhin treu bleibt.

Kommen wir nun zum Wichtigsten – dem Gewinn-Set in dieser Woche. Es enthält:

Das Playboy „Play it Rock“ Duftset, bestehend aus dem EdT „Play it Rock“ in der 30 ml Größe, sowie einem schwarzen Shirt mit dem bekannten Playboy-Bunny als Aufdruck. Auf dem Shirt steht zwar „One Size fits most“, ich würde es aber wahrscheinlich nur bis Größe L empfehlen.
Der Duft selber wird bei Douglas beschrieben als „femininer Duft mit einem exotisch-blumigen Bouquet, das sich mit süßen und würzigen Noten verbindet“ – genau das Richtige, um mal wieder mit den Freundinnen so richtig abzurocken!

Dazu bekommt ihr die Manhattan „The Glamorous“ Eyeshadow Palette mit Spiegel und Applikator. Drei matte Farben in taupe, braun und türkis werden ergänzt durch einen goldig-schimmernden cashmere-Ton und ergeben so je nach Lust und Laune ein dezentes, oder smokey AMU. Der türkise Ton am unteren Lidrand sorgt für einen Farbtupfer.

Damit eure Augen auch richtig strahlen, bekommt ihr noch das Nonique Augenpflege Serum „Tropical“, das für alle Hauttypen geeignet ist und durch seine Bio-Inhaltsstoffe viel Feuchtigkeit spendet. Es ist zudem frei von synthetischen und künstlichen Farb- und Duftstoffen, ohne PEDs, Parabene, Silikone oder Paraffin und tierversuchsfrei hergestellt.

Zu guter Letzt lege ich euch noch eine Gesichts-Maske der UK Firma Montagne Jeunesse in „Fruit Smoothie“ bei, die eine porentiefe Reinigung der Gesichtshaut mit Himbeere, Mango und Granatapfel verspricht.

Wie könnt ihr teilnehmen und bis wann?
Um das heutige Set zu gewinnen, schreibt mir doch eine Email an und sagt mir, was euch an unserem Blog besonders gut gefällt und wo ihr vielleicht noch Verbesserungsvorschläge habt! Eure Email sollte bis Sonntag den 12. August um 24 Uhr bei mir sein, denn ab Montag, den 13. August startet schon das Gewinnspiel zu Set 2.

Jeder darf mitmachen, aber ihr solltet Leser dieses Blogs sein – schließlich ist das hier ein Dankeschön für die Blogleser! Ich öffne die Verlosung international. Solltet ihr noch nicht 18 Jahre alt sein, fragt bitte eure Eltern um Erlaubnis, denn im Falle eines Gewinns müsst ihr mir eure Kontaktdaten schicken.
Wer will, kann wie von Chamy bereits bei vergangenen Verlosungen genannt einen Blogbeitrag auf seinem eigenen Blog dazu schreiben und erhält in diesem Fall die doppelte Chance. Wenn ihr das tut, dann schickt mir doch bitte 2 Mails (eine mit eurem Kommentar, eine mit demselben Kommentar UND dem Link zu eurem Blogpost).  Wie immer ist der Rechtsweg ausgeschlossen. Ich ermittle den Gewinner über und werde ihn im Laufe der nächsten Woche bekannt geben.

Und nun drücke ich euch allen die Daumen!

448 Antworten

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    die erste Mail hab Ich gerade abgeschickt,
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    Liebe Grüße, Mimi ♥ ♥ ♥

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    To understand the significance of Minus Two’s contribution to cargo clothing, it’s important to explore the history behind this trend

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  95. We have compiled a list of the 12 law of attraction quotes to manifest, to inspire your journey and help you manifest your dreams. The Law of Attraction is a powerful principle that teaches us how our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can shape our reality. By focusing on positive thoughts and intentions, we can attract the things we desire into our lives.Each quote offers valuable insights and wisdom that can guide you on your path to success and fulfilment. These Law of Attraction quotes will help you stay positive, motivated, and focused on achieving your goals. Embrace these quotes and let them inspire you to create the life you dream of.

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  97. The Chrome Hearts women’s hoodie combines comfort with high-end street style. Crafted from soft, premium fabric, it features bold graphics and the signature Chrome Hearts logo, often embellished with unique details like embroidered crosses. With its relaxed fit and edgy design, this hoodie is perfect for layering or making a statement in casual outfits.

  98. Celine hats showcase a perfect blend of luxury and modern style, crafted from high-quality materials. With designs ranging from classic fedoras to chic beanies, each hat features subtle branding and clean lines, making them versatile accessories for various outfits. Ideal for adding a touch of sophistication, Celine hats elevate any look effortlessly.

  99. Svenja’s Blogger Birthday Competition is an event hosted by blogger Svenja to celebrate her birthday with her audience. Participants typically engage in creative activities or contests related to blogging, crafting, or personal interests. The competition aims to foster community interaction, creativity, and fun while offering prizes or recognition to participants.

  100. The Corteiz Hoodie is a standout option for anyone eager to make a bold statement. Its vibrant, deep hue infuses energy into any outfit while embodying the signature edgy style of Corteiz Hoodie . Perfect for fashion enthusiasts looking to play with bold colors, this Hoodie offers a unique twist to their wardrobe.

  101. Happy Blogger Birthday, Svenja! 🎉 Your blog has been a treasure trove of insights, creativity, and inspiration. I love how you bring such passion and authenticity to every post—it’s truly motivating! Here’s to many more years of fantastic content and building an amazing community. Cheers to your continued success! 🥂

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    If you’re someone who enjoys the athleisure trend, Minus Two cargo pants can be easily incorporated into a sporty yet stylish look. The lightweight, breathable fabrics and roomy fit make them perfect for running errands, hitting the gym, or lounging in style.

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  111. Shop Hellstar is redefining style with its bold, statement-driven designs that speak to individuality and self-expression. Offering a curated selection of edgy fashion pieces, it’s the ultimate destination for those who dare to stand out. With a focus on quality, creativity, and authenticity delivers a shopping experience that’s as unique as its designs. If you’re looking to elevate your wardrobe with pieces that make an impact, this is the brand to watch.

  112. Takipçi paneli hizmetleri, sosyal medyada hızlı ve etkili bir büyüme sağlamak için harika bir araç! Günümüzde, daha fazla takipçi kazanmak yalnızca popülerlik değil, aynı zamanda marka bilinirliği ve güvenilirlik açısından da büyük önem taşıyor. Bu tür paneller, kullanıcıların organik olarak daha geniş bir kitleye ulaşmasını destekleyerek içeriklerinin daha fazla kişiyle buluşmasını sağlıyor. Ancak, güvenilir bir takipçi paneli seçmek çok önemli. Güvenli ve kullanıcı dostu bir platform arayanlar için doğru araştırma yapmak şart. Kullandığınız takipçi panelinden memnun musunuz? Tavsiyeleriniz varsa, yorumlarda paylaşmayı unutmayın!

  113. When it comes to growing your online presence, gaining seguidores (followers) is one of the key components to building engagement and establishing a strong social media profile.

  114. Travis Scott’s merchandise, which consists of apparel like hoodies, t-shirts, and accessories. Travis Scott, a globally diagnosed rapper and trend influencer, has constructed a robust fan base no longer solely via his tune however additionally travis scott merch college via his special and daring garb line.In latest years, Travis Scott has emerged as extra than simply a chart-topping rapper; he is come to be a cultural phenomenon whose affect extends into the realm of fashion.

  115. As an avid gamer who has spent countless hours playing „Rope Hero: Vice Town,“ I can honestly say that the concept of unlimited money and gems is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it unlocks a whole new dimension of gameplay. The game already has an engaging open-world environment, and when you have access to an unlimited supply of money and gems, it takes the fun to a whole new level. You can buy all the weapons, vehicles, and upgrades without worrying about grinding for resources.

  116. I’ve been playing Coin Master for a while now, and I have to say, it’s both addicting and frustrating. On one hand, the gameplay is simple yet engaging. You spin the wheel to earn coins, attack other players‘ villages, and raid their loot. The whole concept of building your own village and progressing through the game by completing sets is fun and rewarding. However, the main issue I have is the dependence on luck.

  117. The Essentials Hoodie is a popular streetwear piece from the Essentials brand, which is part of Fear of God, a high-end fashion label known for its minimalistic, modern designs. The hoodie has become a staple in casual and contemporary fashion, especially in Canada, where the cold weather makes it an ideal choice for warmth and style.

  118. One of the defining features of a Trapstar jacket is its unique graphic design. Many of the brand’s jackets showcase bold logos, intricate artwork, and vivid color palettes that make a strong statement. These jackets often reflect the brand’s deep roots in street culture, combining urban art, music, and fashion to create wearable pieces of art. Whether it’s a bomber jacket, a varsity-style piece, or a sleek puffer, each design brings something different, appealing to fashion-forward individuals who want to stand out.

  119. Beyond the products, Essentials London also fosters a sense of community, offering experiences that connect people, whether it’s through wellness events, design talks, or cultural happenings. It’s not just a retail destination, but a space where people can engage with the city and each other in meaningful ways.

  120. Trapstar is more than just a clothing brand; it’s a lifestyle and a cultural statement. Originating from London, Trapstar has established itself as a prominent name in the global streetwear scene, blending urban aesthetics with bold designs that resonate with the youth. With its motto, “It’s A Secret,” the brand exudes an air of mystery and exclusivity, making it highly coveted among fashion enthusiasts and streetwear aficionados.

  121. Essentials pants are a staple in modern wardrobes, known for their simplicity, versatility, and comfort. Designed for everyday wear, they are typically made from soft, durable fabrics like cotton, polyester blends, or denim, offering both breathability and flexibility. These pants come in various styles, including joggers, chinos, cargo pants, and leggings, making them suitable for a wide range of activities, from casual outings to light physical activities.

  122. The key to Essentials pants is their minimalist design, often featuring neutral colors like black, grey, and navy, which allow them to be easily paired with different tops, shoes, and accessories. Whether you’re dressing for work, leisure, or lounging at home, Essentials pants provide a perfect balance of style and practicality.

  123. The Trapstar Anzug has become a fashion staple for streetwear enthusiasts, combining comfort, style, and a bold urban aesthetic. Trapstar, a London-based brand, is known for its ability to merge street culture with high-end fashion, and the Anzug is no exception. Its popularity continues to soar among those who appreciate versatile, statement-making clothing.

  124. The White Essentials Hoodie is the epitome of understated style and comfort, making it a must-have for anyone who values both functionality and fashion. Designed with simplicity in mind, this hoodie is a versatile addition to any wardrobe, effortlessly complementing a wide range of outfits. Its clean, minimalist aesthetic means it can be dressed up or down, making it perfect for a casual day out, a cozy night in, or as part of a laid-back, everyday look.

  125. What sets Essentials pants apart is their focus on comfort and practicality. Many feature elastic waistbands, drawstrings, or stretch fabrics that allow for ease of movement, making them ideal for both work and leisure. Their understated design also makes them easy to dress up with a button-down shirt or keep casual with a t-shirt or hoodie.

  126. The Thread Drake Merch Hoodie is more than just a piece of clothing—it’s a statement. Featuring sleek graphics, bold typography, and unique designs inspired by Drake’s albums, lyrics, or OVO brand, this hoodie exudes modern streetwear vibes. Available in classic colors like black, white, and gray, as well as limited-edition shades, there’s a style for every fan. The minimalist logo placements or eye-catching graphic prints make this hoodie a true collector’s item.

  127. Corteiz is a brand that has made waves in the fashion world, carving out a distinctive identity that resonates deeply with urban culture and streetwear enthusiasts. Known for its bold designs and commitment to creating high-quality, statement-making apparel, Corteiz has quickly risen to prominence, becoming a favorite among fashion-forward individuals who seek both style and substance.

  128. The standout feature of the Thread Vertebrae Pants is their striking design. Inspired by the intricate structure of the human spine, the pants feature unique stitching or embossed patterns running vertically along the legs, resembling a vertebral column. This detail gives the pants a futuristic, edgy vibe that sets them apart from standard streetwear. Available in neutral tones like black, gray, and beige, as well as bolder colors, they cater to a variety of style preferences.

  129. „Half Evil“ is a concept or phrase that can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used, particularly in popular culture, fashion, and philosophy. It often represents a duality, a balance between good and bad, or an internal conflict where an individual or entity struggles between moral opposites. This could manifest in a character’s struggle with their darker nature or the symbolic representation of an entity that embodies both light and dark.

  130. The jewelry is characterized by bold designs, often incorporating gothic elements, sterling silver, and gemstones. Crosses, daggers, skulls, and other symbolic motifs are frequently seen in their collections. Chrome Hearts’ jewelry has a unique, handcrafted quality, with each piece meticulously made to reflect a sense of personal expression and luxury. The brand’s commitment to craftsmanship is evident in the detailed engravings and the quality of materials used, making each item highly exclusive.

  131. A rhinestone hoodie is a stylish and eye-catching garment that combines comfort with glamour. It features a hoodie, typically made from soft, cozy materials like cotton or polyester, adorned with rhinestones, which are small, shiny crystals. These rhinestones are often arranged in patterns, logos, or designs that add sparkle and create a fashion-forward statement.

  132. Bad friend jeans are a trendy and bold fashion statement in the world of denim. Known for their edgy, deconstructed style, these jeans often feature unique elements like frayed hems, oversized fits, and distressed detailing. The brand is popular for its relaxed, rebellious aesthetic, offering a fresh take on classic jean styles. Bad friend jeans often push the boundaries of conventional denim fashion with irregular cuts, exaggerated rips, and unconventional washes.

  133. The Cactus Jack hoodie is a signature piece of apparel associated with rapper and fashion mogul Travis Scott. Named after his alter-ego and creative brand, „Cactus Jack,“ this hoodie has become a symbol of the rapper’s influence in both the music and fashion industries. Known for its bold designs and high-quality materials, the Cactus Jack hoodie features eye-catching graphics, unique artwork, and creative detailing that reflect Travis Scott’s signature style.

  134. tinsel hair has gained popularity is its ability to tinsel hair create a dramatic, shimmering effect without permanent changes. The tinsel can be applied temporarily, allowing you to enjoy a sparkling hair look for a day, week, or longer, depending on how it’s applied. You can also experiment with different colors of tinsel, ranging from silver and gold to rainbow hues, to complement your outfit or mood.

  135. Outdoor activities, such as hiking, biking , or swimming, are excellent forms of exercise that engage multiple muscle groups, improve cardiovascular health, and promote endurance. The diversity of outdoor environments – from forests and mountains to lakes and beaches – means there is always a variety of activities to choose from, making it easy to find something suited to personal preferences and fitness levels.

  136. The Carsiko brand is built around the concept of „driving perfection.“ Every Carsiko vehicle is designed to provide an unparalleled driving experience, with a focus on precision engineering, advanced technology, and attention to detail.

  137. Messy Mya’s videos often featured him humorously reacting to real-life situations, interacting with people on the streets of New Orleans, and making fun of societal norms. His catchphrases, like „Y’all ain’t know that?“ and „I’m Messy Mya, b***h!“, became viral staples that his fans would repeat and share across different platforms. His humor wasn’t just about making people laugh—it was also about exposing uncomfortable truths and dealing with everyday struggles in a way that was both raw and entertaining.

  138. Publix offers a wide variety of products, including fresh produce, meats, seafood, bakery items, dairy products, frozen foods, and more. A key differentiator for the brand is its dedication to offering high-quality products at competitive prices. Publix’s private label brand, „Publix Premium,“ has garnered a loyal following due to its quality and value. In addition to standard grocery items, Publix is known for its delicious deli sandwiches, particularly the famous Pub Sub, which has become a regional favorite.

  139. Publix is its employee ownership model. Publix is an employee-owned company, meaning that workers have the opportunity to own shares in the company through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). This ownership structure has helped foster a strong sense of loyalty and pride among Publix employees, who are often seen as highly motivated and dedicated. It also contributes to Publix’s reputation as one of the best companies to work for in the U.S.

  140. rock turtleneck gained prominence in the 1960s and 1970s, worn by icons such as Steve Jobs, Audrey Hepburn, and even musicians like Bob Dylan. The iconic look was part of a broader cultural movement, where simplicity, individuality, and understated fashion were valued. The rock turtleneck became symbolic of the cool, minimalist aesthetic, particularly in the world of music and art. It was often paired with jeans, leather jackets, and other edgy styles, reflecting a more casual yet still polished approach to fashion.

  141. The first step to looking awesome is accepting who you are. Embrace your uniqueness and let go of the need for validation from others. People who are comfortable in their own skin stand out in a crowd because they are not afraid to be themselves.

  142. „More money, more love“ is a phrase that often serves as a reflection on the complex relationship between wealth and personal relationships. On the surface, it might seem like an optimistic slogan, suggesting that the accumulation of wealth can lead to greater happiness and stronger connections with others. However, this idea is far more nuanced when explored deeper, raising important questions about how money influences love and human connection.

  143. NOFS is a brand that has garnered attention in recent years for its unique approach to combining lifestyle, fashion, and functionality. Known for creating clothing and accessories that blend stylish aesthetics with practicality, NOFS has built a loyal customer base, particularly among those who value both form and function in their wardrobe.

  144. The Essentials hoodie, a part of the Essentials collection by Fear of God, has become a staple in streetwear fashion, and its popularity in Canada is no exception. Known for its clean, minimalist design and high-quality construction, the Essentials hoodie offers a versatile piece of clothing that can be easily incorporated into a wide variety of outfits.

  145. For basic cases, nonetheless, discussion requires a fragile harmony between decisiveness and judgment. Separate from legal advisors plan to track down a fair goal that tends to the vital worries of the two players while safeguarding their client’s freedoms.

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